I have been having a bunch of different symptoms, for quite some time now. I'm sure some were around before I began the regular protocol back in April (I have now been off bcp's and pumping for 4 weeks- making over 7oz per day), but I honestly can't remember when they started. I just don't want to be chalking something up to the dom., fenugreek, etc when it's something else that I need to be seen for.

I have been exhausted, really fatigued, for a long time. I'm talking, I need to go to sleep right now even though I have so much to do and it's in the middle of the day. I believe this symptom was before the protocol was started.

I have gained 10+ lbs, which for me is a big deal... I never fluctuate. Even after having my twins 3+ years ago I was able to drop back fairly quickly to my original weight. Now, NO JOKE, I have one pair of jeans that will zip, and no khakis or shorts that will fit at all. It's all right around my waist and hips. This has all happened in the last 4-5 months. I began a workout schedule of 30 minute cardio (with heartrate about 130) 3x per week for the past 4 weeks now, in effort to get this weight off and get more energy. It has done neither, so far, but I am still continuing. I am even tired and just want to sleep when I get finished working out! Sheesh!

At times, I just feel crummy, hot all over, and I take my temp thinking I'm getting sick and it's low... last night was 97.2 (In the past my norm was 98.6 on the nose).

The final one is... my sex drive is gone (which is unusual for me!). I'm talking- GONE.

Oh- I'm infertile (I always add that in with symptoms- since I'm "unexplained" and all!)

I just started putting it all together and thinking it may all be related, but if it's all because of the protocol, I won't worry about it all that much.

Sorry this was so long!!
Oh, and very dry eyes and vaginal dryness???
Please get a full panel thyroid check up (TSH, T3 & T4) and examination (external palpitation) of your thyroid. Most insurance companies will cover this. I have hypothyroidism, which is now in check as much as it can be with medication, resulting from the partial removal of my thyroid after a golf ball sized tumor was found on my thyroid. PLEASE do not assume this scenario by any means, but get your levels tested (a simple blood test) b/c ALL of your symptoms match a host of hypothyiod symptoms. Please keep me posted as to the results (the actual numbers given to you). I'll help with as much as I know. Hopefully, the blood tests would rule that out, but if not, it's very treatable. Take care, and take a nap! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
How often are you pumping? I'm tired all the time also, but it's simply because of never getting more than 3 hours sleep at a time. I figure it will go away once the baby starts to sleep through the night.

As for the weight, one of the herbs (fenugreek) states right on my bottle that it increases appetite. That plus needing the extra calories for producing milk has cause me to eat more.

I do think that going to your doctor and getting a full work-up is a really good idea. Better safe than sorry.
I am very anxious to see what Lenore and others has to say abotu this because i too have gained a substantial amount of weight (15 pounds in two months) which is a LOT for me as well. I am very active and my diet doesn't vary much. I also have been lethargic and "down" - not depressed but just can't muster much enthusiasm for anything.

I started a more regimented excercise program so we'll see what happens - but my scale has indicated a 4.5 increase in past week - that cannot be diet alone.

I am actually considering going off the protocol and just doing advanced once we get a referral - if it takes us a year or so to get a referral and this weight gain continues I am going to be severely overweight - and while I really, really, really want to breastfeed, I don't want to put my own health at risk.

So, Holly, I can totally sympathize - I hope you get some answers soon - have you been tested for thyroid problems?
Hi Holly,

I just noticed no one has responded to this and thought I'd check in with you - how are you feeling now? Have you been to the doctor to see about your symptoms?

Hope all is ok,
I had similiar symptoms... Lenore posted for me that it was "chemical pregnancy" where my body acted like it was pregnant. I'm sure one of the more experienced ladies will post soon.

I hope you are feeling well.
dear Holly,

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to respond. It's the Jewish Holidays and I've been swamped with cooking and preparing and family. Also, both my sons have been sick with colds.

Ok, back to you. The symptoms of fatigue and reduced libido might be due to the domperidone. Weight gain is also quite common with both the domperidone and the birth control pill. Once breastfeeding begins, weigth tends to peel off and fatigue generally dissipates but the reduced libido tends to stick around until the domperidone is discontinued. I know it's a nuisance but try to hang in there. Once your milk supply is in good shape you can wean off the domperidone.

Thanks for the reply, Lenore - but I am really wondering now if I should stop the regular protocol and wait for a referral and start the advanced, if these symptoms may be related to the protocol. We could have a long wait in front of us (or it could be very soon) , and I can't be tired, overweight and irritable all the time - I have to work and I have other kids.

Can you give me your opinion on this? I have been on the regular for 3 months now,


HOLLY - sure hope you start to feel better, it's no fun feeling tired all the time!
My oh my you sound just like me!! Mine was Premature ovarian failure and thryroidism........I would definately talk to your doctor and get a panel run....I was on the protocol for over a year and I had weight gain but the tired and everything else is for me early menopause......sigh.....

good luck and keep us updated what you find out!

Dear Africa,

You are the best one to decide whether the protocol is working for you. You can stop now and pump for a time and freeze if you like or stop altogether. Or go a little longer and pump. You can then try the accelerated protocol when you have a baby in sight. There are a lot of alternatives. The protocols are quite flexible.

Thanks to everyone for your posts!

I had a complete blood workup (although they only did the TSH, not the complete thyroid panel). The TSH came back normal, but my bilirubin is elevated. I had an abdominal ultrasound, but it didn't show anything, or at least that's what I'm told. I have no idea why my bilirubin would be elevated.

I am still having the same symptoms, although now, my mouth, throat, nose, eyes, and even vagina is so dry that it is unbelievable. I am drinking plenty of water (and I nursed twins in teh past and I didn't feel like this then). I have no idea why I am so dry!

I wish they had run a complete thyroid panel on me, I have had 3 doctors over the past 4 years think that I had thyroid issues, but my TSH is always normal.

I am hoping to get enough of a supply that I can wean off the dom, but right now I am only up to 10oz per day.

Hi Holly,

Where did you get the domperidone? Was it from Global or somewhere else? Why won't your doctor do the complete thyroid panel at your request?

I used GlobalDrug to get the dom.... I was also taking the Fenugreek adn Blessed Thistle at the time of my blood tests. My doctor is an older guy, who said that there was no need to do a full panel if the TSH is fine. (I am seeing an endocrinologist on my own, though, in the next 2 weeks)

I actually had to stop the dom, the herbs, and the pumping. My husband and I were (are) victims of fraud through our adoption consultant. Turns out, the consultant promised the same baby to many many couple. We are not in a legal battle to get our money back, and it will no doubt be on the news in the next couple weeks. I am very sad that I have had to stop pumping, but at this point, we aren't even sure if we can trust the adoption process at all.... we may take our money (that we will hopefully get back) and persue IVF or surrogacy. I am very proud of myself for making 10+oz per day, and my 300oz in the freezer.

Anyways, that means that I am now 100% med free, and I am interested to see what bloodwork would show now. I am happy to be seeing an endocrinologist... if he rules our a hormonal or thyroid problem, I will believe him! I still don't understand the elevated bilirubin, though. If you have any thoughts on what could have caused that, please let me know!

Just thought I would update....

I am having a hard time regulating my body temp. It will drop, for no reason, and take a while to rise again. About 2 hours ago it dropped to 95.8. I saw an endocrinologist this morning who thinks that I may have an autoimmune problem, sjogren's syndrome, or an adrenal gland issue. My lips, nostrils, eyes, mouth, etc, are now so dry that I am miserable. I am chugging fluids all day, but it never gets better-- it feels like I have cotton in my mouth and the inside of my nose is cracking! Hopefully they will figure it out soon. I should get my test results (from the SIX vials of blood drawn) back in 5-7 days. In the meantime, I am not quite sure how to deal with staying warm???

The good news is, if it IS an autoimmune problem, maybe that's why I have had 7 miscarriages. 5 of them were chemical pregnancies, and two were first trimesters.

Thank you guys for all the input.. hopefully I will get an answer soon!

Holly I am hoping you get some answers soon. (Big Hug)
I experienced increased appetite and weight gain on the Domperidone. Unfortunately, since I'm only producing about 1 oz per feeding (maximum), the weight didn't peel off for me once I started breastfeeding. For me it is all worth it though, to be able to give this gift of breastfeeding and some breastmilk to my ds. I'm planning to diet and hopefully lose the weight in-between babies. My son is now almost 14 months, and we've been breastfeeding from the beginning. I hope that you feel better soon and best wishes!
Dear Holly,

I'm so sorry for my delayed response. I'm currently at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine Conference in New Orleans and I've had some problems with my laptop.

I am so dismayed to hear about your adoption situation. This is just awful. I hope you will be able to recoup some of your losses.

I'm very relieved that you saw the endocrinologist. The symptoms you reported are not associated with any of the medications used for the protocols and sounded to me from the beginning like a thyroid issue. When immune testing is performed, the entire thyroid panel is typically done.

The early miscarriages you report are quite typical of an immune issue. If you like, I can pick the brains of some of the many, many reproductive endocrinologists here at the conference....I'll need your age, reproductive history, and symptoms which you can email me in private at lengold@sprynet.com and kindly include your telephone number in case I need to call for more info because I don't have internet access at the conference center.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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