Posted By: Nance "new" here, pumping after miscarriage (long) - 05/01/08 09:01 PM
Hello everyone,

I just registered, but have been reading for awhile. We have 2 adopted sons that we adopted at 2 and 4 days of age, respectively. They are now 5 and 7. I tried adoptive breastfeeding them and while I didn't produce a lot of milk, the experience of nurturing them even with a Lactaid or SNS was very satisfying. (I can't remember what protocols I followed back then. I think for the first I took domperidone and started pumping and for the second, I took Diane 35 for a few months and then stopped that/started domp and pumping.)

Anyway, we recently tried getting pregnant with donated embryos from the local fertility clinic. I was pg with a little boy, but miscarried between 19 and 20 weeks (low amniotic fluid). Prior to the D&E, the OB/GYN told me to purchase ace bandages to wrap my breasts so my milk doesn't come in. I told him, "Oh no, I want it to come in!" (I had read previously that it's easier to re-lactate than start from scratch and we had pretty much decided we couldn't go through more infertility treatment. We would try to adopt again.) So, I started pumping with an Evenflo electric pump 3 days after the D&E to see what I'd produce. The next week I rented a Medela Lactina Select hospital grade pump. I've been pumping 6x / day -- once at night.

The first week I was producing 4 ounces / day and now almost 4 weeks later, I think I'm making 14 - 16 oz/day. I pump once at night. I am not taking domperidone this time, but I do take fenugreek, marshmallow root and fennel. I'll be adding blessed thistle, too, but it took me awhile to get a local source.

I wanted to share my current experience as I'm just tickled pink to have milk to freeze for our next little one. Unfortunately, I will be attached to this pump for quite awhile since I can't imagine we'll be able to adopt any sooner than 3 months.

Does anyone know any specific information about melatonin passing through to the milk? I take 3 mg / night for sleep.

Also, do I need to limit my caffeine intake while pumping? I currently have 1 strong cup each afternoon.

I'm sure I'll have more questions later! Thanks for the great forum/website!

Dear Nancy,
Congrats on your adoptive bf relationships with your sons. I am deeply sorry for your loss, and equally inspired by your strength. Best wishes in your impending adoption.

I HAVE been advised that melatonin may interfere with your milk supply but check with Lenore to be sure. It has to do, I think, with your circadian rhythm and hormone levels that peak at night being disrupted.
Hi mindyfrank,

Thanks for the reply! I wonder if the melatonin interferes with my supply or the quality of the milk. I'm not as worried about supply right now because it may take months for us to adopt and I am seeing an increase in my supply - a little bit more each week. I won't be too happy if the melatonin messes up the milk I've been freezing.

I might have to send Lenore a note and ask.
Thanks again,
Hi Nancy,
No, the melatonin will not affect the quality of the milk. It is the supply that it can interfere with.
Just keep storing that milk....deep freezer is best. Never discard the milk b/c you think it might be too old either....I supplemented with my 1 1/2 yr deep frozen milk with no issues at all! I'm hoping for a speedy process for you!
Oh good, I wouldn't want to toss all that milk I've stored up. At this rate, if I have to pump for 3 to 6 months, I might have to buy another freezer! Miscarriage is a horrible occurrance, but at least I have something positive (milk) to come out of it.

Thanks for your help,
Nance the coffee is fine too. 1-2 cups a day is not too much.

Thanks, Lalle! I guess I was concerned because if the caffeine passes through to the milk and I use that milk months from now, the baby could get fussy and I won't know why. Of course, then I was thinking that (hopefully) I will have plenty of milk when the baby comes and I won't need to rely on the milk I've frozen.
That much caffeine is minimal when going through the milk.
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