Posted By: MamaEden 9 weeks plus of pumping - 08/11/03 03:39 PM
Hi All,

Well I seem to have hit a plateau. I am stuck at five to six ounces. I slacked off to four pumps a day when we lost the baby and now I am gradually getting back up to the six pumps a day range, but holding off on the middle of the night pump, since I still have six weeks to go.

I am off the herbs, and only taking dom, lecithin, oatmeal, and my bcp.....which is super low dose and natural. I am just too afraid to go off completely from my estrogen as my bones might suffer and for that matter, so might my husband!

We are filing suit against the other agency, btw. My husband says we can't just get our money back and run, that they have to be accountable so they can't hurt other people like they hurt us.

Otherwise, things are going pretty well, I have to say.


Posted By: owlhaven Re: 9 weeks plus of pumping - 08/11/03 05:07 PM
Eden, Sounds like you are doing great, esp considering the tremendous stress you have been under in the last month or so. Even in that short (24 hour) time last week when we were thinking we might have a baby, I noticed my milk did not flow as freely as on other less-stressful days. The adoption roller-coaster is a tremendous drain. I am so glad you are matched again!!
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