Posted By: DawnL I think I need to stop the protocol - 10/23/02 02:29 AM
I have been on the protocol for 176 days, and had been planning on staying on it until at least December. I was thinking I may even stay on it until January, as pumping during the holidays doesn't sound fun.
But, I think the Diane 35 is affecting my moods more than I would like to think. I watch my 2 nieces and a nephew during the week, and have for 2 years. My SIL, who is my nieces mom, says I seem really stressed lately. I haven't felt stressed, but I think this is her nice way of saying I seem moody. She even made other arrangements for her kids for the rest of this week, because she thought I needed a break. She did this out of the blue, unexpectedly, and I can't help but feel that maybe I have been too moody lately, and she can see that. I know my husband has said I have been more moody than usual. (He usually teases me, and calls the Diane my anti-man pills)
I am not sure what to do, but feel that perhaps the best thing would be to stop the protocol. I had told my Dr that I was going to be on it for 6 months worth of pills, which would have been 4 months, and I have done more than that already. It will be 6 full months at the end of this month. I think I will take my last Diane tonight, and start pumping on Friday.
I just wanted to know what everyone's opinions are. Especially Lenore's. I know this means I will have to start pumping, a lot, but if this improves my moods, it would be a big improvement. Then I will just have to figure out how to pump with 3 toddlers running around.
Thank you for listening, and any input anyone might have. I really appreciate it.
Posted By: Nona Re: I think I need to stop the protocol - 10/23/02 02:13 PM
You have been on the protocol 6 months. Your breast are definetly ready to make milk. If you think you can handle the constant pumping.. Then I would say go for it. But its your call. I myself am on the Diane to. I am fighting moods at this point. So I do understand where you are coming from <img src="http://www.asklenore.com/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Lenore Re: I think I need to stop the protocol - 10/24/02 01:00 AM
Hi Dawn,

Welcome to artificial pregnancy!!! I can tell you from experience that the "moody" factor is pretty much the same whether you're actually pregnant or doing the protocols. It's one of the ways we know the protocol is working. Unfortunately it's a little rough on the rest of the household. My husband used to say that my "hormones were moaning" only he didn't use the word "hormones".

As Nona said, you've been on the protocol long enough for your breasts to develop. So if you're ready, let's do it....

Stop the bcp as soon as you're ready. Have your herbs ready and the oatmeal. Start pumping every 2 hours by day and once during the night for 48 hours then go to every 3 hours by day and once during the night. Keep us posted on your progess. That's all there is to it. Take a deep breath and dive in. It may take a few days before you see a drop or you may see drops right away. Everyone is different.

Good luck!!!

Posted By: DawnL Re: I think I need to stop the protocol - 10/24/02 05:12 AM
I talked with my husband, and he thinks I should stick with the protocol longer. He says I am not unbearable when it comes to mood swings, and it would be better if I didn't have to start pumping just yet.
Perhaps my moodiness is what caused me to be so upset yesterday with my SIL. I felt in control and fine, (just a little fat LOL) and, like I said, was prepared to go until December, and possibly January. If my husband says he is still willing to live with me, and I am willing to live with me, than I think I should stay on it, too. I want to get the most I can out of the protocols. I really would like to develop a full supply, if it's possible.
So, I am going to continue. It is nice to know that I have gone long enough that I can quit at anytime. And thank you, Nona and Lenore, for your input and support. You have no idea how much I truly appreciate it.
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