Posted By: Anonymous night feed fussyness - 02/10/04 03:28 AM
My six month old has been nursing so well - we got her and began bfing the day she was born. However, she has recently started solids at night. I've been bfing her at this last feeding before I give her the cereal. In the last few nights at this feeding she has been nursing fine for about five minutes and then gets fussy and won't nurse. she just pulled off and starts "bucking" and crying. Tonight, thinking she might be too hungry and since my supply is lower at night, I gave her the cereal first and then tried to bf her. she gobbled up the cereal and then when I went to bf her she just fussed and wouldn't - probably she was just too full. I still use a lact-aid at night because my supply is low. I've tried raising the lact-aid bag so she gets a faster flow but that hasn't helped. Our other three or four nursings during the day are still going great. The first two are without a lact-aid and she gets some fruit or veggies as well after her first nursing of the day. I don't want to "lose" this before bed feeding since it can be such a settling thing before bed. Any suggestions?

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