Posted By: Anonymous recurrent miscarriages - 10/27/05 01:18 AM
I just had my 4th miscarriage 3weeks ago. I have a 13 year old. Then 4 years ago I started trying. First at 10 weeks I started spotting and found the baby had no heart beat. I had a D&C. I waited 6 months and tried again. After 7 months of trying I made it to 20 weeks and went into labor. The dr did not know if the baby was alive before birth or not. I had an ultrasound one week earlier and everything was okay. The dr said bad luck just wait 2 months and try again. After one month I was pregnant but started spotting at 5 weeks. At 7 weeks the heart stopped beating and I had another D & C. This time the dr said wait 3 months and try again. After 10 months of trying I finally made it to week 15 when I started bleeding. The Dr said it was my fibroid but the baby was okay. I started swelling but my blood pressure was normal so the dr said do not worry. At 19 weeks I went for an ultrasound and no heart beat. This time the dr said no accident or bad luck something is wrong but he doesnt know what it is. All my blood work came back normal. What do I do now? What other test can I have done? My doctor is not giving me any answers. I do not know what to do.
Posted By: Lenore Re: recurrent miscarriages - 10/29/05 04:18 PM
Dear Anonymous,

I am so sorry for your losses. As a mother who lost 8 pregnancies to recurrent miscarriage, I understand how devastated you must feel.

I am not a doctor and so I highly recommend that you see a specialist. I can tell you that having just returned from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Conference, my feeling is that you may benefit from the use of low molecular weight heparin. There is an immune component to recurrent miscarriage. It appears that heparin, along with helping to prevent thrombosis which often occurs in early pregnancy, seems to have an effect as an immune suppressing agent. So there are now two reasons to suggest that heparin can be helpful. Another thing that is important is adequate progesterone support.

It is imperative that you get in touch with a recurrent miscarriage specialist. Please see this webpage under "Other Resources" for suggestions on clinics that may be able to help you: http://www.asklenore.info/miscarriage/rcindex.html

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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