Posted By: Anonymous recommendations? - 01/09/06 03:13 PM
I've been reading the posts on this website, which have been very helpful. It's always nice to know that I'm not alone.

Here is my situation. I had an early m/c in December of 2004. They sent me for an ultrasound after the bleeding started, which showed no sac or anything. I was only like 5 1/2 weeks at that time. My HCG levels were checked and they were about 14...may have been a chemical pregnancy they said. We were of course devestated. We waited the amount of time that they told us and found ourselves pregnant again in April. This time I started to lose the pregnancy symptoms a few days after my initial positive test, and took another pregnancy test, which came back negative. They sent me for blood work and my HCG levels were at 2...they called it a chemical pregnancy. Then, the bleeding started. We actually got PG right away again, and they sent us for levels right away whcih were good. We had an ultasound at 6 weeks and saw a heartbeat. We heard the heartbeat at 10 weeks at the doctor's office and thought we were home free. Then, I went in for my 16 week apt. and there was no heartbeat. Ultrasound revealed that the baby had died at about 14 weeks. I had a D&E and they did testing on the fetus, which revealed that the baby had Turner's Syndrome, which we understand is not something that my husband or I can be carriers for. We did however get genetic testing done, which should be back soon. I also had all of the clotting, lupus, etc., blood work done, which all came back normal. I already do take a baby aspirin every day, and I have done so for a long time, along with the prenatal vitamin.

At this point, we are still seeing my regular OB/GYN, who has been WONDERFUl!!!

Do you have any recommendations for testing at this point? My husband hasn't gotten a sperm analysis yet. Would you recommend that? We are 27 and 26 years old, if that helps with your recommendations.

Thanks so much, and thanks to all of you who post your stories. It has been really helpful.
Posted By: Lenore Re: recommendations? - 01/10/06 04:56 AM
Dear Anonymous,

I am so sorry for your losses. As a mother who lost 8 pregnancies before my sons were born, I understand how devastated you must feel.

The losses you describe do not sound like they are immune related, but more likely genetic in nature. Nevertheless you may wish to inquire about the use of low molecular weight heparin to assist you in the event that an immune component can be found.

I wish I could give you a clearer answer but because you and your husband are young and because the first two pregnancies were diagnosed as chemical, my feeling is that you should perhaps try again to conceive. You may want to ask your doctor to monitor you via ultrasound as soon as you get a positive pregnancy test to see if the sac is there and then two weeks later to see if the heartbeat is there.

Please keep me posted on your progress. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Posted By: Anonymous Re: recommendations? - 01/11/06 03:01 PM
Thanks for your input. From all that I've been reading, it does seem like our m/c have been because of genetic issues. I just hope this doesn't keep happening, and that they can find out where the problem is coming from. I know that we have a lot of options, and feel grateful for that. I'm just of course feeling impatient...as many of us do, I'm sure!

Thanks again!
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