Posted By: Anonymous 3rd consecutive m/c, need Bay Area referral - 10/17/03 05:51 PM
I need some help... I just had my third miscarriage in a row and would like to see a specialist in the San Francisco area to help me see if there is any root cause. It is highly unlikely that a blood/allergic condition is causing the problem as I have mild Von Willebrand's disease (a mild blood disorder which causes the blood to clot more slowly than normal). For that reason, baby aspirin is out of the question. I do tend to ovulate irregularly and rather late in the cycle, and my luteal phases are short (9-11 days). I took progesterone supplements for this last pregnancy to no avail. All my pregnancies failed at around the same time (7-7.5 weeks) with no heartbeat on any of them. It's hard to believe that they would all fail at exactly the same point if it were a random genetic problem. Can anyone point me to the right specialist or resources?
Thank you for your help.
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