I'm breastfeeding adoptively and have been for 6 weeks with this baby. I also had a failed adoption about a month previously where I did 13 days breastfeeding and then took off 1 1/2 weeks and then got news of this one and pumped and started herbs and dom again for 3 weeks before this DD was born 6 weeks ago. I have tried all kinds of herbs and pumping and am taking the maximum amount of Dom (160mg) and am still supplementing 10-13 oz per day. I believe I didn't have the breast prepared enough because I didn't take the pill or synthetic progesterone pills prior to beginning breastfeeding. Will it help my breast develop now to take one or the other? Will it decrease my milk? Will it make my milk unsafe for DD?
Thanks for any words of advice. Oh- I get about 40 mls total from my breasts if I pump in the morning when full.
I posted on your other thread but to answer your questions - yes it will decrease your milk supply. Maybe to almost nothing. But no, it won't make it unsafe for your DD.
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