I haven't really been measuring my supply since I'm breastfeeding baby each time. But I just pumped this time at 6:00 p.m. and I made 1/2 ounce.

I weaned off dom, last week was the last dose. I'm taking Fenuegreek, Blessed Thistle capsules, drinking Mother's Milk tea, eating Steel-Cut oatmeal every day and drinking plenty of water. I'm pumping from 4 - 6 times per day.

I will try to measure this next 24 hours to see what I make. Then hope to increase my supply by pumping more. It dropped down from 1 ounce per pumping session right after I quit the dom. I hope to bring it back up.

I can get Fenuegreek in bulk supply so my cost is low. I had to cut back on buying the dom to save cost.

Baby is doing well. She's 3 months old and 12 pounds or so. She enjoys breastfeeding and easily switches from breast to bottle. So I'm lucky to have a good latch and good draw from my breasts.

I'll let you know the progress after I measure at this time. And then again after one week of increased pumping.

Thanks for all of your advice!

Karie Domestic Adoption Program Girl, born Sept. 19, 2005 Girl, born Aug 8, 2001