Hi, everyone!
I haven't been around for awhile, as we've been rather busy here. We are moving to another town, a little closer to dh's work. I thought buying a house was work. This is our first time selling a house. Yikes! Put the two together, and it is taking up a lot of time!
Anyway, Jeran will be 7 months old on Monday, June 6th. He is doing great! He is consistently in the 50th percentile at checkups, and is very happy. He does not like the bottle, and prefers me. the few times I have left him, he barely eats, and prefers to wait for me to return. This is great, although I am hoping that I can get him to start taking sippy cups with no problems.
I know most people prefer to wean when the child is ready, but we want to try to conceive next year. So, I am going to try to wean Jeran around 12 months. I think a year of breastmilk is great, and this way, I can wean him from the breast directly to the cup/sippy.
Just wanted to give everyone an update. I am so thankful for the protocol, and all the hard work I put in so I could nurse my son. (For those who don't know me, I was on the protocol for 8.5 months, and then pumped for 10 months, 6 times a day, every day, until my son was born) I have a great relationship with my beautiful ds, and I wouldn't change it for anything.

wife to Jim, mommy to Daphne and Jeran and Jalen