Hi all

It's been a long time since I've been here but I just wanted to let you all know that I have been very successful in inducing lactation on the regular protocol. Our Straight Surrogate Sarah gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl in June 2004 weighing 8lb 1oz. We were both present at the birth and witnessed our miracle coming into the world! Georgina was given to me straight away for skin to skin contact and started feeding within 3 minutes of being born! Truly the greatest day of my life!

Breastfeeding is an amazing act of love, I would recommend it to you all and keep doing what you're doing to succeed in bringing in a milk supply. It has created a very strong bond between me and my daughter. In some ways it's probably made up for the fact that I didn't actually give birth to her...

She is now 7 months old and still breastfeeding nicely, will be thinking about weaning very soon...!

Love & best wishes

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Last edited by AndriaIM; 01/16/05 11:42 AM.

Induced lactation and breastfed for 8 months, now doing it a 2nd time for surrobabe due Jan 2008!