photo of Lenore Goldfarb


Typical costs of treatment

Please note - different clinics charge different fees. This is a hypothetical case, based on the Montreal Gazette 2002 article Boomers trying to beat clock.

One IVF cycle where sperm is injected into the egg$5,500
One IVF cycle with donor egg$6,500
Embryo freezing$1,000
Assisted hatching$350
IVF consultation$300

Other costs: (when it’s male-related infertility)

Sperm aspiration$1,000-$2000
Semen analysis$120
Sperm freezing and one year storage$500 (each additional year) $200

Frozen Embryo Transfer Costs

Five ultrasounds$800
Five bloodtests$450
Five daily visits$223
Administration fees$515

If you are willing to bear the cost, experts say a successful pregnancy can easily set you back $40,000 or more.

Source: Fertility Awareness Association of Canada

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