Dr. Newman’s Articles - Chinese Translations
- 擠壓乳房 Breast Compression
- 哺育母乳和其他食物 Breastfeeding and Other Foods
- 母乳哺育-正確的開始 Breastfeeding - Starting Out Right
- 哺乳嬰兒的腹絞痛 Colic in the Breastfed Baby
- 藥物和母乳哺餵 Drugs and Breastfeeding
- 手指餵食 Finger Feeding
- 如何知道醫護專業人員並不支持母乳哺育 How to Know a Health Professional is not Supportive of Breastfeeding
- 使用哺乳輔助器 Using a Lactation Aid
- 正要吸吮時 When Latching