Posted By: courtaney need advice on when to start pumping - 03/24/16 06:31 PM
i sent an email to [email protected], but haven't received a response, so i am hoping for some help on this message board.

when i started this process, i consulted with a lactation consultant and she had me consult ask lenore website for protocols. neither the normal or accelerated protocols fit me, so i did a hybrid of the two. i have been on birth control pills for 8 weeks. i started domperidone 5 weeks ago, first with the 10 mg 4x a day for a week and then 20 mg 4x a day for the last 4 weeks. i have experienced breast changes.

however, i am at a loss as to when i should stop the birth control pills and start pumping. our baby is due may 20, however our surrogate has a medical issue and they will induce her sometime after 37 weeks, which is 5 weeks from today. we just won't know when until we get closer to that date.

considering that we have 5-8 weeks left of the pregnancy (probably closer to 5), when should i stop the birth control pills and start pumping? neither protocol fits me and i am not sure if it makes more sense for me to keep the domperidone + bc pills up OR to have 4 solid weeks of pumping before our baby is born?

any advice from someone who had a similar issue is appreciated!

thank you.
Posted By: Sondra Re: need advice on when to start pumping - 04/27/16 07:12 PM
Courtaney, Congrats on your upcoming new arrival!

I have also sent an email to Lenore. I am looking to begin the menopause protocols within next week or two. I haven't heard back from her as of yet either but I am thinking it could take a couple weeks before we do. I can only imagine the amount of emails she receives on a daily basis. I wish I had the knowledge to help you but unfortunately I don't. Like you, I am just beginning my journey with induced lactation. I have had a very hard time finding a doctor who will help me with this process. I believe I have finally found one who will prescribe me what I need, provided she agrees with the protocol after going over it.

I have been going through the message boards and all the information for about 3 1/2 months now trying to learn as much as possible. I know that Claudia is an experienced member that is a fountain of information. Perhaps you could message her through this forum? She may be able to answer some of your questions until Lenore has time to get back to you through email.

Good Luck! I wish you all the best and a FULL supply of milk when your time comes!
Posted By: Claudia Re: need advice on when to start pumping - 09/04/16 06:39 PM
How are things going?
Posted By: Sondra Re: need advice on when to start pumping - 10/10/16 09:49 PM
Well for me I had to have surgery and had to stop the protocol for the time being. I am waiting on the surgeon to release me. Unfortunately I couldn't find a doctor in my area willing to help me induce lactation. So I will have to order my medicine on my own. I am worried about what dosages to take though. My family doctor will oversee me while I'm on the protocol and make sure I'm safe and healthy she just won't order the prescriptions herself. What do you recommend Claudia? Prevera 2.5 or prometrium 100mg or a birth control pill? I will be using the menopause protocol as I had a total hysterectomy 14 years ago. I did breastfeed my daughter before that but that's been 20 years ago. Like I said I just want to make sure I take the correct doses. I will also be on the protocol at least 6 months before I start pumping in the hopes of getting as close to a full milk supply.
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