Posted By: Saige Taking dom without pumping or steady nursing? - 01/21/07 09:58 PM
I used to be a regular poster here on this forum when I was nursing my 2nd adopted daughter. We really had little success with building a milk supply on the accelerated protocol, but I did successfully nurse her for 6 months with a LA and formula. Having a toddler in the house just got too much for me and I felt as if I was depriving my older daughter attention (because I never stopped pumping and nursing!), so we just went back to bottles and I went off the dom. I hope my DD#2 actually got a little bit of my milk, but it is doubtful since I was collecting my milk in a lupron syringe. Grrr..

Anyway, we were just blessed with a THIRD child (she is the bio-sis to DD#1) and I wasn't going to do it, but I have dom and I just started thinking about the what-if's. She won't take a pacifier that easily, but will comfort suck on my breast for a very long time (especially after she is fed via an Avent bottle). So, I was thinking and hoping some of the experts out there would give me their honest opinions. What do you think if I started taking the dom (I have a ton left over from DD#2) and letting the baby comfort suck. Do you think that would even help bring in even a little bit of milk? Considering my unlucky attempt before with the accelerated protocol, I wonder if I should even bother.

Goodness Saige what a blessing. I say if it were me I would take the dom and comfort nurse her like you are and see what happens. Even the slightest amount of breast milk has benefits. Do you still have your lact-aid? You could nurse her with that and eliminate the bottle that would be even more beneficial. You don't have to pump ever if you don't want to. Just nurse with the lact-aid and Dom, that is what I did with my daughter before doing the accelerated protocol and I was producing quite a bit of milk. But even without milk I was enjoying the nursing relationship.
Lalle, I guess you are right. I've got the dom, I have the LA, so I guess it wouldn't hurt. The only problem with the LA is that even though it's a WONDERFUL invention, I think having 2 toddlers in the house tugging on me is not going to allow me the time, but I should at least give it a shot and see how it goes. The LA is such a pain to use and clean....I know..whine, whine, whine....no pain no gain. I think I will at least try it while she is still so young (not even a month yet). Thanks for responding!
Try putting her in a sling too that will help you have a free arm to mother your others with. Good Luck and keep us posted.
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