
I received my protocol from Lenore and I now have my Provera & Domperidome ready, I've read the Provera leaflet and it says to start 16 days after my Period? Do any of you know if this is what Lenore would suggest or shall I just start them? Its about 5 days since my period stopped?

Lenore did say start as soon as i can but I thought I'd better check this?
I did email Lenore, but I thought I would see what you all say too!

Thank you, smile
I posted above. Start right now, ignore the Provera insert that is when you are taking it for low progesterone problems.
Thank you Michelle.
Is there a good time in the day to take the Provera? I cant work out if morning or evening would be better, does it have to be the exact same time?
Thank you!
I always took it at night to minimize the chance of side effects especially nausea.
Thank you Michelle. xx
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