Posted By: Angelsoft1975 Waiting for baby to start pumping?? - 07/01/13 02:00 AM
Hi ladies-i've heard that breast feeding is better and more efficient than any pump. If thats the case, can i wait for baby's arrival to start breast feeding with use of lact-aid since i will have bm from our carrier? I have several reasons for this: 1. I could stay on the protocol a few weeks longer...for about 4 months and 2. Pumping every 2 hours before the baby is here will be very difficult-but manageable once baby is here and i am on maternity leave. Thanks for ur thoughts!!
Posted By: jenmarko Re: Waiting for baby to start pumping?? - 07/10/13 03:23 PM
You should do what works for you. Our first adoption, I didn't pump before at all because it was a stork drop. So I started pumping the day she was placed with us. I was able to get up to ebf by the time she was 2 weeks old, but I don't think that is typical.

Our second adoption we were matched ahead. I started pumping 10 days ahead because I couldn't commit to pumping before that and we weren't sure it would work out.

I am assuming you are using a surrogate? In your case I would have started pumping ahead of time (6-8 weeks) to try to build a supply for when the baby is born because you KNOW you are getting the baby (unlike adoption).

Even if you can only pump once or twice at work and then every 2 hours in the evening, once overnight and once in the morning, that would be better than nothing.

But again, only you know your situation.
Good luck,
Thx for your reply! I spoke to some lactation consults and they concur. I hav started pumping and agree its better to start in advance. Its a lot of work, and easier to stay committed/focused while waiting for the baby.
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