Posted By: DawnL What increments should I freeze milk now? - 07/13/03 03:26 AM
Well, it is looking like this is probably a match for us. "R" has met with our agency's pregnancy counselor, and will be meeting with her again on Monday. She called us on Thursday, and wanted to meet us in person, so we went out to dinner with her on Friday night. She is a wonderful person, and I hope she is the one. I would love to have her as part of our family, through open adoption.
Our agency normally doesn't show families to birthparents until they are 7 or 8 months along, and "R" is only 6 months, so they are taking things slow with her. But since she found us online, and asked to meet us, and took the initiative to contact our agency, I think this is it.
So now I am wondering how much milk I should save for our baby. I have about 2,000 ounces right now, and I am still donating to a baby in California. (Thanks, Nona!) I don't know how much to keep for our baby, and in what increments. I know that with Daphne, I used water to make cereal with, and I never measured. I just kept adding until it was the desired consistency. How much breastmilk would I need to set aside for this? Two ounce increments? I won't be away from the baby very often, but what about the occasional bottle, when I am away? Should it be four ounces, six ounces, or eight ounces? I guess it probably depends on the baby, but does anyone have any ideas? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
And please say a prayer for "R", and for this situation. She is very nice, and needs all the prayers she can get right now. And we are really praying that this is the situation we've been waiting for.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What increments should I freeze milk now? - 07/13/03 05:02 AM
Hi Dawn,
I hope R is the one also, I am so happy for you. Since you will not need to supplement , you certainly will not need your entire stash of 2000 ounces for your baby, esp since you will not need it for daycare providers etc,,as you mentioned, you will not be separated from her. Boy, I only have about 10 ounces in the freezer after almost 2 months of pumping. I had gone up to 1.5 for a couple of days, but am back down to 1/2 ounce per day. Pretty frustrating, and I cannot lose weight on the domperidone. I feel fat and very unproductive!
I don't know what to tell you about how much milk to save for your baby. I am glad you are donating.
A "fall" baby, how nice! Good luck, we will pray for you and your birthmom....Cathy
Posted By: Esther Re: What increments should I freeze milk now? - 07/14/03 04:39 AM
Hey Dawn,

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I really hope this works out for you.

Lenore usually suggests freezing in one or two oz portions when you're milk supply is as nice and big as yours, just for "topping your baby up" with the Lact-aid if necessary. Most babies need 500-750 mls per 24 hours divided by the number of feedings. That's 17- 26 oz. So if your baby feeds 8 times per day, your baby will need 2-4 oz per feeding. Lenore usually suggests adding an extra oz to a feeding just in case the baby needs it.

Fondly, Lenore
Posted By: Rosa Re: What increments should I freeze milk now? - 07/16/03 03:40 AM
I just wanted to say congrats! It is so wonderful to meet and talk with the birthmother isn't it. I hope that things continue to go so well for you.

Enjoy the anticipation,
OK, I have been freezing my milk in 6 oz bags and have just hit the 400 oz mark in my freezer. Considering my current daily production, are 6 oz bags about right, or should I think about doing 2 or 4 oz bags now?
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