Posted By: Mrsgiggles How did you get the confidence - 10/28/13 12:24 AM
Hi, we are approved and awaiting being matched with our baby. I would really like to breast feed for lots of reasons however I am struggling with my confidence where being open with friends and family is concerned. I have even reading up on adoptive breast feeding and seen some peoples comments gave been really mean and hurtful. I told my husband and two best friends about it. All supportive (though one friend said at first she thought it weird til she got her head around it). Told my sister who I thought would be supportive and she was hurtfully negative.
Those who are also thinking about it/doing it I wondered how you approached this? Who did you tell? What was your experience if their reaction? Any tips on feeling confident in this?
Posted By: jenmarko Re: How did you get the confidence - 10/30/13 03:10 AM
Everyone knew I was breastfeeding our daughters that we adopted. I never heard a negative comment. Most people were amazed it was possible and were impressed at my dedication. I wasn't telling strangers, but I bf in public, so anyone that knew we adopted knew I was adoptive bf.
Posted By: lilwoman1611 Re: How did you get the confidence - 11/17/13 05:45 PM
I had a great support from MOST people. I heard very few negative comments about breastfeeding a baby that is not "truly yours". My husband and my family were all completely supportive. I first approached my MD where she was supportive and didn't know exactly what to do...I had presented the Newman-Goldfarb protocol to her...she said it looked great, but she referred me to a great lactation consultant that really loves the idea of adoptive breastfeeding.

The lactation consultant was supremely helpful. Probably the biggest thing she taught me was to understand that statement we hear so much "there is more to breastfeeding than milk". We all know it and she really drilled that idea home. I wanted that experience.

My husband was so understanding. We didn't have any biological children and he knew I wanted that same bonding that any biological mother would have. So, he was so supportive.

My mom and dad thought it weird, but understood the benefits of breastfeeding over formula. So, it took a bit, but they became supportive.

My sisters (all three older sisters have breastfed a total of 10 children) were all very supportive. They know the nutritional and emotional benefits from breastfeeding.

My work thought it weird. I live in North Carolina. We are certainly not the most forward-thinking state. But legally they had to provide a place for me to pump and they provided just that. I got time to pump 3X a day.

One of my sisters was breastfeeding her son when we received my daughter. She was an overproducer and she gave us a LOT of breastmilk to put into the freezer. So I had a nice little stash that I knew I could use if I wasn't able to produce.

The day before we received our little girl I produced 27oz. I had created my own little stash over my 7 weeks of pumping prior to her birth. I was able to donate to my sister when her supply dropped!

How do you get the confidence? Having that support is amazing...but you know you're doing to right thing by trying to give your baby the best. That should give you confidence with every decision you make.

Good luck.
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