Posted By: Kalli I want to keep nursing...please help - 11/28/05 06:43 PM
I will keep all the details as short as possible but I think they may be pertinent so I don't want to leave anything out.

I started the NG reg. protocol 8/04. I had break through bleeding every single day until I got off the Yasmin 8/06/05. I cont'd the dom and began pumping. I had a period just a day or so after coming off the BCP. I have never had another period since nor have I had even a smidgen of discharge (not the norm for me before I began the protocol).

I began pumping only drops and w/i just a few weeks was getting 3/4 to 1 oz at a time pumping 4 times a day. We got "the call" that we were matched and I upped the pumping to 6 times a day. I froze every drop I could pump.

Our son was born 10.03.05 and his first bottle at 3 hours old had my thawed milk in it. Our birthmother fed him bottles with my milk the whole time she was in the hosp. (She is amazing, BTW.) When we brought him home from the hosp. when he was just 3 days old, I nursed him for the first time. He latched on immediately and knew exactly what he was doing. We saw an LC the next day and measured how much he was getting from me and it appeared that he was working hard for only 1/10 oz. and then I could pump an oz. So after further evaluation we found that his such was rather week (typical for being born 2 weeks early).

I continued to nurse him first at every feeding and then gave him a bottle or did the SNS with my pumped milk until my frozen supply ran out at about 3 weeks. Then I cont'd with everything just gave him formula instead. He is fine on it.

I go to a lactation support group every week where we weigh him and it now appears that he is getting at least 1 oz from me at each feeding then I give him up to 3 oz in a bottle. He eats very well and is gaining weight and growing right on schedule if not a little better.

In the past few days I have decided that I would like to discontinue taking the herbs. I have been diligent with them and the dom and my prenatal vitamins and a calcium supp. I am just ready to not have to take so much so many times a day.

I should also let you know...the first 3 weeks that we had him I had morning sickness...yes, throwing up or dry heaving every morning between 5:30-10:00. My LC said that the release of oxytocin was causing my "morning sickness" symptom. I have had no other pg symptoms and really that should be pretty much impossible due to our infertility so I have not even bothered taking a test.

I did post that I wanted to wean off of the herbs but I have not made any changes as of yet...and my supply went down yesterday. I haven't changed anything....what is going on??? My DS latched on and just a few seconds was pulling away and crying like he does when I put my finger in his mouth like a pacifier. He wasn't getting anything so I switched sides and he did get a little. I am not really feeling let downs anymore, either. I haven't for about a week or maybe more.

My LC said that pumping after every feeding was not really necessary since I am putting him to the breast at every feeding already. Therefore I am getting lots of stimulation throughout the day.

My goal is a full supply. He is 8 weeks old today. Is my goal too lofty. Can it be achieved at this point? If so, please tell me how.

Also, any advice on why my supply slacked in the last day or so and about having to take all of these herbs...

Many thanks!
Posted By: Lenore Re: I want to keep nursing...please help - 12/03/05 03:11 AM
Hi Kallie,

CONGRATULATIONS on a fabulous breastfeeding experience!!

If you want to stop the herbs you can but I would suggest that you continue to pump after feeds until your milk supply is well established. The temporary slow down, corresponds to your baby's expected 6 week growth spurt which should be happening at around this time. Moms often feel that they have less milk. Let downs do appear to be less noticeable as time goes on.

An ouce per feeding comes out to at least 8 oz per day of YOUR MILK which is providing TONS of antibodies, growth hormones, enzymes and other goodies that are not present in formula.

Regarding the nausea, it would be a good idea to have a pregnancy test. I was once on my way to the OR to have my gall bladder out when someone thought to do a pregnancy test on ME and found out that I was indeed pregnant (lost it later on). So don't take a chance...find out ok?

You're doing GREAT. Keep up the good work and your milk supply should build and build.

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