I'd like to know what their poop looks like? do they get sick from the miniscule amounts of dom in the breast milk? Do they spit up more often? please share with me those moms out there who are/have had breast fed using dom during BFeeding.
I'm on the regular protocol, have 6 months before baby due.

I really appreciate any answers to this question.

I breastfed a bio baby without dom and I am now bfing an adopted baby with dom. She is 4 months old. Her poops look just like my sons - yellow and seedy. She has not been sick from the dom at all. I would actually say she spits up less than my son but I think that is not related to the dom either. From what I have read, the dom does not have side effects for the baby.
Excellent! that's what i expected, thank you.
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