I have a similar question as the original poster. I'm waiting for the arrival of my daughter from Ethiopia who will turn one this month. I began inducing lactation about 5 months ago without herbs or Dom. I was able to make 4 oz in 30 days (pretty good for just pumping, smile). I started the More Milk Special Blend and daily oatmeal and I now get 4 oz in 10 days...still not enough, though. So, I ordered Dom and it arrived today--I too do not want to take BCP and I have read that people have increased their supply taking Dom alone. Since my baby is not a newborn and will be eating solid foods too, I'm not as concerned about getting as much milk as a newborn would need.
So my question is, has anyone gone this route? And do you have any words of wisdom to convey? Should I start taking Dom now? or wait until I get a better idea of my daughter's arrival date? (could be 1 month could be 4 months, who knows).
Thanks so much in advance,