Web sites

www.storknet.com is a site about Attachment Parenting which is a commitment to parenting your child in a manner that is secure, comforting, and nurturing. Breastfeeding and co-sleeping are helpful means of achieving attachment. This form of parenting encourages the participation of the whole family.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has excellent explanations of developmental milestones.

Support Groups

Pacific Post Partum Support Society

To Locate a Support Group

Postpartum Support International

Postpartum Education for Parents

La Leche League Support Groups

La Leche League Canada - www.lllc.ca Find contact information for Groups and Leaders across Canada. Call 1-800-665-4324 to get a referral to the nearest La Leche League Leader.


This Isn’t What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression
by Karen Kleiman and Valerie Davis Raskin (Bantam Books, 1994)

Beyond The Blues: Prenatal and Postpartum Depression, A Treatment Manual
by Shoshana Bennett and Pec Indman (Moodswings Press, 2002)

The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night
by Elizabeth Pantley (McGraw-Hill, 2002)